Look, we know the deal.
You're a nurse.
You start your shift doing what should have already been done.
Changing linens that should have been changed.
Wiping butts that should have already been wiped.
Yet you still have your own job to do.
Passing meds, doing treatments, doing thankless work, and working harder than anyone ever gives you credit for!
And after all of this, when you go home, it can be hard to get a full night of sleep!
And multiple shifts in a row?
Forget about it.
Every time you get your first day off, you sleep in ALL day...
And you feel like you're missing time with your boyfriend, husband, friends, and kids.
Listen, we've been there too.
A lot of this is because of your exposure to blue light before you go to sleep.
Exposure to blue spectrum light has been proven to reduce melatonin production at night.
In other words, exposure can make it a lot less easy to sleep at night.
And this has been proven by many top institutions, such as
However, we have the answer for you!